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Torben Schiffer

Working for Prof. Jürgen Tautz / Hobos Project (University Würzburg), his research focuses on the climatic conditions of tree cavities and beehives, and the effects on bee health. Additionally he is an expert on the symbiotic relationship between book scorpions and honeybees. He proved that book scorpions feed i.a. on varroa mites and beetle larvae (such as small hive beetle). Furthermore he is exploring the effects of beekeeping on the grooming behavior of bees.

Abstract(s) for Sessions

Johannes Wirz

Johannes Wirz is a molecular biologist on the staff of the Research Laboratory at the Goetheanum, Switzerland. He edits the journal Elemente der Naturwissenschaft, and  is a co-founder of Ifgene, a scholarly network exploring the implications of genetic engineering. He is a board member of  Mellifera e.V. where his efforts are directed at developing criteria for beekeeping that do not include chemical attacks against the varroa mite.

Abstract(s) for  Sessions

Trustee Natural Beekeeping Trust

Jonathan Powell

Conference Chairman, Natural Beekeeping Trust Trustee, Tree Beekeeper and conference web master. As with his bees - Jonathan is never happier high up in a tree.


"Sometimes a man must go alone into the forest and die into its heart, so he can  bring back the forgotten pieces of this world" - The Bright Burning by Daverick Leggett

Abstract(s) for Sessions

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All content © 2018 The Natural Beekeeping Trust and respective rights holders. Registered Charity Number 1140009.

Conference Logo by Nicole Burke


The Ambeessadors, Apis Arborea, Cheyanna Bone, Spikenard Farm Honeybee Sanctuary, and Carlisle Vandervoort are producing the 2026 edition of Learning from the Bees.
"Learning from the Bees" is a trademark of the Natural Beekeeping Trust. 2026 conference logo by Silke Meyer (
Contents © 2024 the co-producers, The Natural Beekeeping Trust, and respective rights holders.

Natural Beekeeping Trust: Registered Charity Number 1140009.


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